Totally agree with the picture...what else is new??
Today my class turned into another debate warfare again...
Just because we were asking questions...
And dun get me wrong...asking questions is good...
Then one wrong word's downward spiral to Dante's Divine Comedy...HELL!!!
Like WTH!
This bitch in my class is like...totally UGH!!!
She's like those who dun do work...but complain like as if she sat on a nail the whole day...
Today was not an exception.
Her filthy mouth HAD to open and the demonic words all just spewed out...
Seriously I dunno what this girl eats man...
It's like as if she eats shit...
She had to comment and comment...
Worse...people are just so freaking shallow...
And I mean really...
Just because this guy doesn't wanna partial...
WTH do you mean "If you partialled, then it means you're from RP."
Oh really bitch?
Then if I slap you, does that make me a man?
Seriously...think before you speak...shallow loser...
Jealous because he has good grades?
So what? He does his share of the work...UNLIKE YOU!
IMO...I would never partial as well..
I mean wake up so early...wait for the bus...get cramped up and stand all the way...JUST TO FREAKING PARTIAL?
I'm really disappointed with some people...but thanks Melvin for being willing to talk to me outside class after my explosion...
Not everyone is pig-headed like some freeloaders...
And yes I is fun... perspective of people changed again...
And once again I think that some SOH people are really MOFO shitheads...
I learnt that if we take things to heart...and the more we think about might just somehow become negative...when it wasn't in the first place...
But can someone NOT take the hurtful arrows you shot to heart?