One week of sch is finally over!!!
And I think I had fun...
I think everyone is blending into class now...
Oh and today right...during lunch-break...
One of my teammates accompanied me down to tapao lunch...
She's kinda tall...and she's 19 I think...
So after I tapao-ed my food (she didn't coz she's meeting her friends)...
We happened to walk past my ex-classmate...
Let's call him X....
We walked past his table and I waved to him...
Well I dun really talk much to him nowadays...
But when X turned and saw me with my teammate...he went "wow!"
And when we walked off I thought that he thinking about this:
"Omg Sean has a hot friend with him...."
Coz he was always saying shitty stuff like tat...which always embarrasses me...
He would always tease me when I meet ex-classmates who are girls...
So anyways....I felt weird to see him again coz there are some people you dun wanna meet again...
And then there's this incident on the bus home with Rach...
We were on 969 when the bus came to one stop...
And there's this Indian woman talking on the phone...
But she's not like those Indian-ish kind...
Think female-version of Kumar...with those mixed-blood look...
And she was on the phone...when suddenly...this happened...
My bus left!! The driver didn't even stop and wait for any passengers!!
So that woman was talking on the phone...and when I noticed it...
I told Rach to look at her...and said "U see...she missed the bus.."
And all of the sudden...
The woman got mad...and said "What the FISH??!!"
We saw her lip movements and it kinda looked like "What the FISH"...instead of the F-word...
And then Rach asked "I wonder if she said tat...or just mouthed it..."
And I wondered too...
Coz imagine she's talking to someone and she suddenly blurted it out...
Anyways...here's part of my conver with Rach while we were so bored in class...

I said: "Eh tat's going on my blog"
She said: "Mine too"
Isn't she such a wonderful bitch??
Hahahaha!! But still...it's 100% true....
Except for the elongated neck part....
And I didn't know why we talked until there!
She even drew it!!!
I'm trying to revive back my other labels...like Randomanation....I miss them....