It's finally tomorrow!!
The poly forum 2009 starts tomorrow!!!
In case u're wondering wad this forum is...
It's kinda like this event where poly students gather to discuss "important issues and that will impact youths today and help create a change" or something...
Yeah and I kinda signed up for it in sch when they emailed everyone about it...
And I think I'm one of the few year 1s who signed up for such crap eh?
But u gotta admit...it sounds way cool and fun!!!
We're going to M'sia for 3 days...staying in a resort doing nothing but research and presentation preparation....
Yes I know it's boring but it sounds kinda fun to get to know other poly students....
And tomorrow...we're gonna play bonding games!!!
But I really dunno who's on my team...so hopefully I get to know them tomorrow at SP...
I'm sooo gonna do something nice to this blog....
I feel tat it's VERY VERY VERY VERY plain leh.....
Oh and lemons are pretty good....