Anyways today was a sucky day...
Ok enterprise class was fun...but why did faci have to SUCK THE FUN OUT OF EVERYTHING??
He made the Human Resource Management lesson a nightmare!!!
"Do your ws!! Make all ur answers are at least 2 sentences only...not just one short sentence!"
"Elaborate on all your answers!"
"Finish it up and discuss together as a team for 1 hour!"
"Do your ppt well and explain it well!"
"Dun read off the slides! Elaborate!"
"Remember to be meticulous! Check for grammar and punctuation errors!"
Uggh....if it's not FUN-SUCKING...what is it??
It's like a torture class with all his nagging!!!
Ok enough about tat...
Just now I just chatted with FC about someone....
Someone I dun like and told him about it...
He seems to understand wad I'm trying to say...
Which is good...
Actually I'm lucky to have a friend like him...
Coz in sec sch...I wasn't very close with lots of guys...
And he and Nigel are the closest friends I have in poly...
They are like brothers to me...
They listen to my jokes...laugh with me about it (sometimes at me)
But they understand it and tease me back too...
I told him tat on MSN...in which every single word was from the bottom of my heart...
Though friends have short-comings...but like wad Jesus said..."Love each other as I have loved you"...
Such simple words and yet they carry such a significant meaning...
Anyways...hope u guys noticed tat pic up there...
It's a character (his childhood) from one of a new anime tat I'm currently watching...
It's not Naruto...it's Hitman Reborn!!
Explain more next time!!