Hi blogreaders!!!
Today I went back my old sch...TPSS!!!
I had to attend the speech day...coz I'm receiving a prize!!
But I was late...so I didn't had to go on stage to take my prize...
Coz they assumed I wasn't coming...and Miss Kaur kept apologising...
Hahaha!! She's still so funny!!!
Anyways it's not her fault...it was the stooopid bus driver's fault!!
Ok maybe mine too for coming late...
But ah....
I took a slow bus 18 back to TPSS!!!
It was a thrilling bus ride that moved at a glacial pace...wooooo.....
But still I got the prize...
It was a trophy...a TPSS logo patch and a cert...
The trophy reads:
CCA Gold Award 2009
Sean Cheng Yong Han
Student Councillor
Cool eh???
Anyways after tat the VIP launched the carnival...
And we went down to the meeting room for refreshments!!
It was...my 3rd time at refreshments room...
Only this time...I'm the guest and not the server!! Hahaha!!
Then I finally met CL face-to-face!!
Nice to meet u CL!!!
Grabbed some food with Kenneth...Jessica and Isaac...all 3 from e1...
We chatted a bit and chatted with some other teachers...
I met Mdm Yasmin...Mdm Ho...Mr Hafiz...Miss Ho Lian Shi...
I miss these teachers lah...
But in poly we call the teachers "facilitators" or "facils" for short...
Then we decided to go jalan-jalan outside...
So I walked around the stalls with Kenneth Tham who got 2 awards!!
He got the CCA award and Top 'O' lvl pupil award!!
Anyways then we left around 10.30am...
Yeah so tat was my Sat morning...
I rather sleep at home...but then I had to get my prize...hahaha!!!